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I am in awe - she did a great job!

Megan Cooley

The kid loves to paint. She comes home from preschool every day with at least six new paintings rolled up. J jokes that we're sending her to an artists' colony.


I can tell - the Christmas tree is so well painted too. She has so much control. I'm impressed :)

Michael Ann

Also fun-mix the white paint with white glue then dip in glitter! We did that at school the other day.

Megan Cooley

Klay--I can give you plenty of examples of times when she has lacked control. This afternoon in a restaurant, for example. ;)
Michael-Ann--great idea! I actually have resisted buying any glitter not wanting to deal with the mess, but it might be worth it in this case.


Ha ha - well with a brush anyway and any good artist knows that control sometimes isn't that important - in a restaurant might be a good time though :)

Michael Ann

Don't buy feathers either. They never go away.


You're too late on the feather warning. I learned that lesson the hard way.

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